In late September 2015 Help started with the implementation of the project „Better employment opportunities for potential beneficiaries of the Regional Housing Program in Berane“. The project will last for 12 months.
The general objective of the project is to contribute to the inclusion of displaced persons being the most vulnerable population into the socio-economic life in Montenegro; the project is complementary to the Regional Housing Programme.
The activities are financed by the American government through the Bureau for Population, Refugees and Migration and aim to support on socially vulnerable households in Rudes I and II settlements.
Programme goals are:
– improving the livelihood of potential users of RHP (DPs and IDPs) in Berane municipality based on employment opportunities,
– strengthening the capacities of the Municipality of Berane in social housing management and employment actions for vulnerable groups,
– strengthening capacities of stakeholders included in Regional Housing Programme (RHP) in all 4 countries through the exchange of best practices.
Organizing of motivational workshops for training the beneficiaries on how to apply for income generation grants is in progress. The beneficiaries will also be able to apply for the paid 6 months internship programme with selected employers.