News Archive 2020

Help and the U.S. Embassy in Montenegro are helping the displaced persons in Berane


Contribution to the inclusion of displaced and internally displaced persons in the social and economic life of Montenegro is the main goal of the new project of the German organization Help, whose implementation began on 1 September 2020 with the financial support of the U.S. Embassy in Montenegro, through the Julia Taft Fund.

For a total of 15 internally displaced persons this project will provide assistance that will be realized in two ways: through professional training lasting 3 months, and by the end of the project 10 sets of materials / equipment will be delivered, worth an average of $ 1,500 in order to start or expand business activities for generating income for selected beneficiaries.

The focus of the activities will be on displaced and internally displaced persons in Berane, since the northern region of Montenegro is significantly less developed than the central and coastal regions, and thus there are less chances for employment and raising of standard of living. Berane has the second highest unemployment rate in the country, and internally displaced persons have even further limited access to the labor market.

In order to improve the situation in the North, Help realized that it is necessary to encourage entrepreneurial activities. Therefore, as a measure to combat unemployment, it is planned within the project to organize a quality and specialized professional training to enable the redirection of the workforce to different economic sectors. It is also planned to provide support to individuals in their efforts for self-employment and / or support to those who have already established a small business. The goal is to enable them to improve and expand income generating activities.

The donation from the U.S. Embassy in Montenegro for this project is $ 25,000.

The Municipality of Berane will support income generation activities through the engagement of Regional Business Center (RBC) staff.

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