Completed projectsProjects

MNE-149 Migration prevention through support to employment of marginalised groups and improvement of housing conditions 2019-2020


MNE-149 Migration prevention through support to employment of marginalised groups and improvement of housing conditions 2019-2020


Aktion Deutschland Hilft

with headquarters in Bonn, this is a grouping of German Aid agencies for Humanitarian aid


1 December 2019 – 30 November 2021/ Euro 113.012


Overall objective:

As of 1999, Help has been providing support to vulnerable groups (minorities, refugees, women, youth) in Montenegro, in line with its mission “to enable people to take charge of their own life and live self-determined in dignity, peace and security”. Help has been recognized in Montenegro as well as internationally as a reliable and experienced partner in implementing employment measures and in support to development of national policies. The proposed action is the result of its approach of streamlining actions with national policies, consulting local stakeholders, creating synergies and replicating good practices, while maintaining contact with beneficiaries through field work. Through lessons learnt from the other projects on employment measures and established cooperation with local and international stakeholders, the action has been designed, targeting the beneficiaries from all regions but with special focus on the North-East of the country, as well as Niksic and Podgorica.

The high unemployment rate in the country, caused by the transition and economic crisis, hits primarily vulnerable groups, among which women and youth. One of the measures to fight unemployment is to facilitate access to the labour market, aiming at the real needs of each group and their labour potential. The action contributes to this overall objective by targeting 3 main stakeholders’ groups: 1) employers as job generators, 2) unemployed that need empowerment and 3) local governments as institutional supporters.

In addition, the action addresses inadequate housing conditions in some of the Roma settlements.

The specific objectives:

Specific Objective: Support for the inclusion of vulnerable population groups into the Montenegrin labour market and improved living conditions.

Expected results:

The target population will be given the chance to generate and / or increase their incomes by facilitating access to employment and self-employment as well as facilitating access to Montenegrin institutions.

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