Completed projectsProjects

Promotion and Protection of Human Rights of Roma, Egyptians and other vulnerable Groups


Mon-131 Promotion and protection of human rights of Roma, Egyptians and other vulnerable groups


Delegation of the European Union to Montenegro


December 2016 – June 2018  1,212,249.31 €


Overall objective:

The overall objective of the program is to increase the capacity of economically and socially vulnerable groups to participate more fully in society.

The specific objectives:

Specific Objective:    Better inclusion of Roma in Montenegrin society

Expected results:

The project will provide durable housing solutions for 10 Roma families and thus facilitate their inclusion into the Montenegrin society (approximately 60 Persons).
The project component in Montenegro is being implemented in cooperation with the Municipality of Nikšić. The aim of the project is to permanently solve housing problems for the 10 most vulnerable Roma and Egyptian families of Niksic. A total of ten housing units were built, out of which four of them are 57m2 big in size and six housing units are 37 m2 big in size. The amount allocated for the actvities carried out in Montenegro amounts to Euro 269,149.07.
At the handover ceremony organised on December 29, 2017 ten Roma families with 67 family members received keys for the apartments. The ceremony of key handover was attended by a representative of the German Embassy in Podgorica, the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of the municipality of Nikšić, Regional coordinator of Help, as well as a large number of the beneficiaries and journalists.


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