Completed projectsProjects

Contribution to Housing Construction in Pursuit of Ref/DPs local integration in Montenegro


Mon-49 Contribution to housing construction in pursuit of Ref/DPs local integration in Montenegro


United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees (UNHCR)


01.01.2007 to 31.12.2007


The self-help programme assisted refugees and DPs in private accommodation and/or unofficial collective centres in the municipality of Herceg Novi and other municipalities who opted for integration into the local society by acquiring land, and needed support in construction of durable housing units.

Assistance was also provided for the remaining residents in the last official collective centre Trudbenik in Niksic by contributing to the cost of the construction of an apartment building that will house the vulnerable residents of this CC.

The construction component also contributed to eventually alleviating the situation of elderly residents including refugees and displaced persons in the elderly home “Grabovac” in Risan.

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