News 2024

StrategEast Forum about Trustworthy AI for a Sustainable Economy within RECONOMY

19. 09. 2024

Help, as an implementing partner of Helvetas within the RECONOMY an inclusive and green economic development program of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) is proud to support partnership with the StrategEast.

RECONOMY program via Help signed contract the with the StrategEast in the beginning of August. The purpose of the Agreement is to foster the development and adoption of a commercially viable and inclusive AI policy framework in Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, and Armenia through the “AI Policy Dialogue” initiative. This initiative will promote a multi-faceted approach that includes policy dialogue, stakeholder engagement, and capacity building to harness the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for economic and social progress.

The primary objectives are to promote AI adoption and improve government readiness in the four countries through comprehensive policy dialogue; to develop regulations, share best practices, and leverage insights from leading AI companies; to engage key stakeholders from government, academia, industry, civil society, and international organizations in the policy development process; to address challenges such as regulatory lag, ethical complexities, public trust, and socio-economic impacts of AI adoption, as well as to ensure that AI policies are inclusive, transparent, and aligned with international standards and best practices.

At least 600 women and youth, including the most disadvantaged, will have improved access to opportunities in the growing AI sector, fostering long-term competitiveness and growth for professionals and enterprises in the region.

The theme of this year’s StrategEast Forum held in the last two days in Chisinau , Moldova,  was “Trustworthy AI for a Sustainable Economy,” addressed a critical issue for all stakeholders: the development, deployment, and application of transparent, responsible, and effective artificial intelligence. As AI continues to reshape industries, fostering trust and ensuring ethical practices are essential.”

The session dived into the talent crisis in Eurasia’s tech and service sectors. The expert panel has been tackling how to boost skills, create opportunities, and keep talent at home. Additionally a topic was how AI is reshaping the workforce and how to leverage the diaspora to turn brain drain into brain gain: Irina Stamatović, Project Coordinator in Help, implementing partner of Helvetas in RECONOMY, Eugenia DANU, President of ABSL Moldova, Executive Director of DOPOMOGA GROUP Moldova Representative in Moldova, Vasile Putina, Chief Technology officer at Pentalog, Vice President of Technology at Globant, Pavel Liber, CEO of Nations Digital Platform were the panelist.

Help is the implementing partner of Helvetas in the RECONOMY initiative, and RECONOMY is an inclusive and green economic development program of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), implemented by HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation in partnership with Help-Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe and others in the Eastern Partnership and the Western Balkans countries.  

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